The ultimate in warmth, insulating ability, and uniqueness, wooden tubs are natural wonders. Presenting our favorite

by tia kim

Nathie Katzoff started his company, NK Woodworking & Design, with the ambitious notion of, as he put it, “creating spectacular staircases, furniture [including tables, beds, and built-ins], and other architectural designs that are works of art, the likes of which few have ever seen.” His critical reception has included nabbing four out of five recent Best Staircase awards from the Stairway Manufacturers’ Association.

In short order, and with a background in wooden boat building, Katzoff’s line expanded to bathtubs. Partly in recognition of a luxury trend that honors the millennia-old tradition of Japanese soaking tubs, fashioning modern tubs of hardwood is gathering steam. Properly lined, they offer the same structural integrity as stone, porcelain, or cast iron, but are substantially better insulating.

Katzoff carves his tubs in Seattle, WA, according to buyer specifications (including environmental surrounds and any special detailing) and from sustainable domestic and exotic hardwoods. Each is finished with a specialized clear composite barrier for durability and longevity.

This Lotus Design is rendered in Sapele, a commonly exported and economically important African wood species that is occasionally used as a substitute for mahogany. It can be both air-and kiln-dried, and is famed for consistent color, weight, texture, and hardness. $15,000 to $30,000.

NK Woodworking & Design
1605 S 93rd Street, Seattle, WA 98108
206.504.3394 /