Whether romantic, splashy, fearless, or bold, enjoy a modernized mashup of styles to complement whatever mood you’re nurturing this season


An antidote to the lightness of summer, fall typically brings a more somber mood, one that’s infused with mysterious, intense scents, encapsulating the changing of the seasons. But since this has been a year out of the ordinary, designers have conjured up a number of ole factory essences with their talent for intuitiveness that promise to fill in that urge for escapism and wanderlust. Take a deep dive into the sensory feast that is the new fall fragrances.

Loewe Paula’s Ibiza Perfume
The floral, aquatic, and ambery notes of this unisex fragrance with a blend of Madagascan Mandarin oils will transport you to the sun-drenched beaches of Ibiza. $88, loewe.com

Serge Lutens Gratte Ciel Fille Aiguil Eau De Parfum
This chic scent feels like a wistful walk around le Jardin de Tuileries, laced with notes of pine sap and vetiver. $375, saksfifthavenue.com

Bvlgari Le Gemme Erea
Housed in an exotic green and purple bottle, conjuring the mystical qualities of green agate sourced from the French territory of New Caledonia, this layered fragrance emanates green cardamom and vanilla absolute. $332, bulgari.com


There’s a certain dark romanticism to the history of British artistry, one that’s lost on the ordinary. However, it inspired Alexander McQueen’s creative director, Sarah Burton, to etch out a fall/ winter collection with visible echoes from British folklore and poetic heritage. Rendered in a fi erce, enigmatic palette of lilac, red, and black, almost all the pieces feature signature details like impeccable cuts, graphic motifs, and edge. Expanding on the house’s tailoring oeuvre, introducing patchwork pieces using quilting techniques from Wales, tailored blazers with color-blocked trims, and asymmetrical dresses inspired by blanket checks, McQueen’s F/W collection is a veritable, wearable show or as Burton herself opined, “A love letter to women.” alexandermcqueen.com

Edgier, funkier, artistic, and moving with the times, this season’s statement scarves are an ode to awe-inspiring arts from across the globe

Etro Scarf with Wunderkammer Print
Featuring a detailed and layered print inspired by Wunderkammer that literally translates from German to “cabinet of curiosities,” this silk twill number is for laid-back weekend wear. $430, etro.com

Hermés Tapis de Selle
Cut from the finest silk with hand-rolled edges, featuring artist Annie Faivre’s designs in a colorful mix, this statement scarf is tailor made for the trendsetter. $420, hermes.com

Paul Smith x John Booth Head Print Scarf
Achingly hip and full of cheer, this silk scarf features a bold, vibrant motif custom designed by artist John Booth to turn heads. $380, garmany.com