The first collection of the brand, Gal Meets Glam, created by blogger Julia Engel, launched on April 20th! She started her career with a small blog from her dorm room in college and it turned into something more than what she ever thought. The collection consists of only dresses. The dresses have a modern southern belle charm to them.

The brand’s owner, Julia Engel, published a post on her blog,, on launch day. It stated:

Many of you have been on this journey with us even before Instagram was around! I truly feel that the reason I am able to create this collection is because of you. Through building our community, I realized that we connected because we all had something in common- this love for all things feminine. It’s because of you that I saw this opportunity to create something, not just for myself, but for all the women who have been wanting a product like this.

So this Collection is really for you, and all of the other woman out there who have been looking and dreaming for that perfect feminine dress that can take you anywhere. Our Gal Meets Glam Collection site is now up to shop AND the dresses are up over on Nordstrom, too! Make sure to take a peak at both sites, as they each have their own exclusive styles. Thank you so much for your support and I can’t wait to see GMG Collection dresses on you!

Check out the photos of Julia modeling her dresses below.

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