how Staten Island-based ECHO provides financial assistance to children and families undergoing a medical or living emergency
by Jessica Jones-Gorman • Photos By Amessé photography
Six years ago, when doctors told the family of a local little girl that she would lose all of her motor functions and possibly her life because of a rapidly growing tumor that was enveloping her brain, Sebastian Angelico and his team of philanthropists pooled together their resources and decided to help.
“She had a very grim diagnosis,” Angelico said. “Going into this operation, the family had no idea what the outcome would be. But a few years later, the mother brought this gorgeous little girl back to our office. She was running around and laughing. When we see a case like that, it’s hard not to smile.”
Angelico is witness to happy scenes like this nearly on a daily basis in his role as chair of the Staten Island-based Emergency Children’s Help Organization (ECHO), which he founded seven years ago with several of his colleagues.
“Charity work has always been near and dear to my heart,” noted Angelico, who has been involved in non-profit groups for more than 20 years. “And then one day I was discussing an article I had
read with some friends about children in need. We all wanted to do something to help. It was in that moment that ECHO was created.”
The organization started with Angelico and about 25 of his friends, who in the first year of the organization busily researched families in need and planned fundraisers for their benefit.
“Our very first was supposed to host about 150 people and we wound up having 400,” Angelico recalled. “We realized then how giving people can be, especially when it comes to helping children.”
In the years since ECHO’s founding in 2008, its efforts have grown by leaps and bounds. Now featuring an extensive list of sponsors and hosting a board of 39 individuals, the group’s mission is to provide financial assistance to children 18 or younger experiencing challenging medical or other life circumstances.
“Medical emergencies are, of course, defined by any type of illness suffered by a child,” noted Pasquale Loporcaro, ECHO’s executive director. “A living emergency is one in which a family needs help with everyday living essentials. We had one situation where two young children
tragically lost their parents. They were being raised by their grandmother and were in need of assistance. Through a number of donations, ECHO helped pay for many of their expenses.”
The group uses monetary donations to purchase medical equipment for families or to help pay doctor bills. Meals and food are often provided, too as well as travel expenses incurred while transporting children to and from the hospital.
“We never just hand dollars or a check to the family,” Loporcaro explained. “We pay the doctor directly, pay for the piece of equipment or the wheelchair…reimburse for gas and tolls…provide gift cards for ShopRite, Target, and Hess.”
The group hosts two fundraisers each year, and sponsors an annual car raffle which generates a good deal of money for the cause. Each board member takes on an annual financial responsibility,
Celebrities like Joe Pesci, the late Darryl Dawkins, ABC meteorologist Bill Evans, and Johnny Rzeznik of Goo Goo Dolls fame have also come out to show their support for ECHO’s cause.
According to Loporcaro, the nonprofit has helped hundreds families and has given out more than $1 million since its inception.
“We just celebrated that millionth dollar, actually” Loporcaro said. “The generosity we’ve witnessed is truly amazing. Our first year we raised $10,000. This year we are poised to give a quarter of a million dollars to families in need.”
Both Loporcaro and Angelico detailed the awesome and gratifying position of being able to assist families who would otherwise be helpless.
“We have been able to help out a family whose small baby was in a car accident, to offer another example,” Loporcaro said. “We provided equipment for the mother to bathe the child and were also able to purchase a specialized seat. We’ve purchased wheelchairs for children… paid for hospital trips to Cincinnati…we try to think of every expense the family is going through and help take care of it.”
A special ECHO division was formed immediately following Hurricane Sandy to help families suffering from storm related issues.
“Suddenly, we started receiving checks from as far away as London and Hong Kong,” Angelico said with a smile. “It’s rewarding to know that people place that kind of faith in us; they know that we will direct their donations to people who really need them.”
The organization is currently helping to fund a pediatric medical center at Staten Island University Hospital’s South site, which will feature a brand new pediatric ER with 11 treatment rooms, a new
nurses’ station, and waiting room. A pediatric sleep apnea center is also slated for the same location—both facilities scheduled for 2017 completion.
Families seeking ECHO’s consideration can file applications through the organization’s website or by phone (see info box below). Each case goes before a board, and is vetted based on individual criteria, because no two cases are the same. If necessary, a field investigator is enlisted to visit the family.
Going forward, both Angelico and Loporcaro are committed to keeping ECHO’s momentum going, and to help more families each year.
“Right now we’re growing by the day, and we hope to continue that trend, helping as many children as possible,” Loporcaro concluded.
“Sadly, there are so many problems in this world and so many families in need,” Angelico said. “We might not be able to solve every problem or medical issue, but at least we can put a smile on a young person’s face and ease some of his or her family’s financial burdens.”
Emergency Children’s Help Organization
3041 Veterans Road West / 866.755.ECHO / echoorganization.org