Matching separates are coming back in a bold way. Major fashion houses, such as Gucci and Chloè, are designing bold, vintage inspired looks. The place where the matching separate trend is most abundant is workwear. The patterns are absurd and others are modern takes on classic designs. But, the most important piece to take in is the return of … THE SHOULDER PADS. Take a closer look below.

This look by Chloè is rather bold. It’s an embroidered cotton-blend velvet blazer. The embroidery is in the shape of gold horses. This blazer has gold rings and a waist cinching belt.

Balmain has a different spin where the colors are inverted but the pattern stays the same. It’s a tweed look that has a fresh taste to it.
The rest of these looks are interesting and the trend was interpreted very differently among the few designers who took on this challenge.